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Grace Brunette Stadler

How to Manifest Your Goals with Crystals

When we talk about manifesting, it tends to be this big, dreamy notion that can feel hard to even understand when you are starting on your spiritual journey. Positive thinking and wishing will bring me what I want? Yes and No. A positive attitude can help you stop getting in the way of things coming your way, but the act of manifesting is so much more than just wishing some big dream will get dropped in your lap. It has to do with combining your ethereal and abstract dreams and bringing them into the physical.

Let's start with creating an intention or goal that narrows in on whatever it is you are wanting to manifest in your life. Get specific with details and truly work on picturing what that looks like and feels like for you. Let’s say you are looking for a new, more fulfilling job. Figure out what the non-negotiables are for you. Do you want morning hours? Flexible Scheduling? Is working from home important? Then go to your “nice to haves” and list those out. This could be the industry you want to work for or things like extra benefits. As you are doing this, the wide and broad thought of “I want a new job” gets more and more focused into what you actually want or are meant to do. This works for any other intention as well. Looking for your special person, a dream house, or moving abroad? List out traits and qualities that are non-negotiable, nice to have, and so on.

Once the intention of your manifestation becomes clear, you are going to want to help bring it into the physical world. This can be through saying it out loud or rewriting it over and over again. You can enhance it even more through utilizing a crystal grid or taking an action towards that goal. An action could be as simple as updating a resume to help you find a new job, creating a budget for yourself to help you tackle savings or debt, or taking yourself out on a walk if you want to feel more grounded or take better care of your body. Taking actions is what shows the universe that you're serious about this goal, and you may begin to see things shift, new opportunities to appear, or a new clarity about the goal that you are working towards.

To create a crystal grid for your manifestation, look for some stones that connect with your intention. Let’s continue on with our New Job Manifestation example. Stones that help you connect with confidence and financial abundance will be helpful in supporting your goals, think of stones like Citrine, Pyrite, Jade, and Epidote. You want to choose one stone to be at the center of your grid. This may be a stone like Clear Quartz to help you amplify the intention or a large stone like a tower or a sphere that can help direct energy. Whatever feels right for you or that you have available. As you place it down, picture or imagine that dream in your head. Repeat that with every crystal you place in the grid. You can find different patterns online or follow your intuition in where you feel like each stone needs to be placed in the grid. Once you have placed all your crystals, read your manifestation out loud once again to help bring it further into the world of the physical.

As you pass by your grid each day, stop and take a minute to visualize that dream. The crystals are sending their energy out to support you and this hope that you cherish, send your own energy out to support it and to bring it into your life.

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